Creating Inspiring Transformations in Life
Along with all of you, I was shocked and saddened to learn of the passing of Arne Sorenson. Needless to say, this is a really tough time for Marriott and the travel industry overall. Judging from the outpour of love and support I have witnessed, it’s clear that he was truly beloved at Marriott and my thoughts are with you, as well as his family, as you go through this difficult time.
One of my goals each month is to deliver innovative and up to date topics and research that will enrich different aspects of our lives without ever having to do a huge overhaul. You are a high performer and have already done so much right.

Our content this month focuses on three aspects of wellness- nutrition, energy and sleep. These three areas of wellbeing play significant roles in weight gain or loss, stress management, hormone balance and overall productivity. These strategies will enhance wellness goals and can lead to subtle, yet profound transformations for overall health.

Eat Protective Foods

How it Works: Food can be a version of our pharmacy. It can either work for us to lower inflammation and improve hormone balance or zap our energy system and cause us to hold onto unnecessary fat. Fortunately, there are simple swaps that can be transformative for the systems in our body. In particular, the digestive system needs certain fuel to detoxify the blood and rid harmful products in the body. The toxins can come from stress, sugar, lack of sleep and processed foods.

Why it Works: To detoxify the liver and improve our overall wellbeing, we can incorporate a few daily foods that make an important impact on the system.
Green Tea– The polyphenols will lower inflammation and help to flush the system. A Japanese study found consuming 3-5 cups of green tea per day improved the blood markers of liver health and cholesterol of the 1,137 participant
Cruciferous Vegetables– This includes broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage and kale- all major sources of glutathione, which triggers the toxin cleansing enzymes of the liver. Glutathione is the body's master antioxidant.
Grapefruit– Stimulates the liver and aids in the synthesizing of toxic materials into substances that can be absorbed by water.
Lower Insulin

How it Works: Insulin is a hormone that is released in the blood stream to control glucose. If there is too much insulin in the blood stream, the body is no longer sensitive to the hormone and cannot effectively do its job. This leads to insulin resistance, which results in unhealthy weight gain, chronic stress and high markers of inflammation. The factors that lead to the overproduction of insulin include; consumption of processed foods and sugar, high stress, lack of sleep and not enough healthy fat in the diet.

Why it Works: Weight loss is a chemical response, rather than calories in and calories out. It is a combination of the balance of insulin, stress levels, quality sleep, gut health, exercise and quality nutrition. One of the best and most effective first steps is to regulate insulin levels. This will have a cascade effect on all the other factors and lead to sustained weight loss/management. A few ways to manage insulin:
Cut out processed foods– anything in a package that does not come from a natural source
Cut out refined sugar– packaged foods, baked goods, dressings and sauces (olive oil is the best option), nutritional bars
Eat fermented foods and quality fat– avocados, wild fish, grass-fed beef, nuts, seeds, olives, olive oil, hard cheeses, kefir, yogurt unsweetened, kimchi, sauerkraut
Lower stress– incorporate at least one session of mindful based stress reduction each day. This can include yoga, meditation, walking outdoors, hiking, swimming, Qigong, Thai Chi, acupuncture, or massage
Sleep 7-9 hours per night– five minutes of deep breathing before bed, limit all light in the room, take a hot shower before sleep, make room cool, take magnesium in the evening

Regulate Circadian Rhythm

How it Works: The circadian rhythm is the body’s internal clock that regulates sustained energy, the various stages of sleep and the ability to concentrate. The cycle creates specific hormones upon waking that help accomplish tasks throughout the day, as well as hormones to maintain proper hunger, satiation, and sleep. The circadian rhythm is the body’s natural way of creating balance, but can be severely disrupted by unnatural light, stress, and temperature.

One simple step… Banish Blue Light

Turn off screens at least 30-minutes before sleep
Change lighting on phone to gray or lower the brightness
Use glasses that block blue light when watching evening Netflix
Read a book or magazine in print 10-minutes before bed

Another simple step… Move At Least 20 Minutes Per Day

Any kind of activity that gets your heart rate up- bike, swim, run, weight lifting, dance, sports, interval training
Take phone calls on a walk (if possible)
Take 1 minute at the top of each hour to do any kind of movement

Why it Works: The body has a much harder time making melatonin (essential sleep hormone) when it is exposed to artificial light before bed. Hunger hormones are thrown off and clearing of waste products is suppressed. This leads to food cravings, weight gain, inflammation and higher risk of chronic disease. It’s a vicious cycle. Additionally, high levels of blue light exposure impair neurotransmission. The hypothalamus, part of the brain essential for high level focus and memory, is suppressed when exposed to too much of this type of light.

Exercise plays a significant role in regulating the circadian clock due to the stimulation of the neuroendocrine system. The Journal of Global Health Science found hormonal regulation and resynchronization of the circadian clock as a result of aerobic exercise have each been linked to improved sleep quality, lower heart rate, and lower blood pressure.
Increase Healthy Fats and Antioxidants

How it Works: The brain uses 20% total intake of oxygen, which can make it vulnerable to free radicals (scavengers that create inflammation). It can also have the power to zap our energy when we are not fueling the brain with nutrient dense foods. We know how we feel when we lose focus, and can’t seem to keep our energy up.

Why it Works: In order to combat these effects, we can opt for foods that will power up the brain and the body. These include antioxidants and omega 3 healthy fats. These powerful compounds act as free radical scavengers in the body, taking down the harmful toxins in the system. They also create an environment of less inflammation, minimizing the risk for disease. Most issues thrive when there is high inflammation in the body and brain. The omega 3 fatty acids and Rhythm will help reverse this effect.

Enjoy each daily:
Omega 3’s: Chia seeds, wild caught fish, walnuts, avocados, olive oil, macadamia nuts, pecans, dark chocolate
Antioxidants: Blueberries, raspberries, dark leafy greens, artichokes
Improve Deep Sleep

How it Works: During sleep, cerebral spinal fluid runs through the brain to clear toxins and create new neural connections crucial for retaining information and slowing down aging. This process is called glymphatic drainage. The glymphatic system primarily works during sleep, so in order to successfully create new cerebral pathways and clear waste products, it is essential to get at least 6 hours of sleep.

Why it Works: Legs up the wall, temperature changes and minerals help the body shift into a parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) and out of flight or fight mode.

Enjoy each daily:
Legs up the Wall: Lying for 5-10 minutes with legs up the wall will reset circadian rhythm and improve body's ability to drop into deep REM sleep (reparative/clears brain plaque). Simply lie with legs resting on the wall with feet above hips taking deep breaths.
Change Temperatures: Alternating between hot water and cold in the shower (20 seconds hot, 10 cold) for two minutes before bed will greatly improve the body's natural ability to regulate its own production of melatonin.
Increase Minerals: Magnesium is easily depleted in a state of prolonged heightened stress. This mineral is a precursor to the neurotransmitter Gaba, which aids in the repair process during sleep. Gaba turns on Theta brain waves, facilitating deep levels of relaxation, healing and rejuvenation. In order to up the levels of magnesium before bed, try Calm. It also comes in travel-size packets.
I am thrilled to share a few superfood and indulgent coffee recipes. I hope you enjoy!
Immune Strengthening:
Superfood Coffee
1 cup hot coffee
1 tablespoon raw cacao powder
1 teaspoon raw maca powder
¼ teaspoon ground turmeric
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
natural sweetener of choice (raw coconut sugar, stevia, pure maple syrup)
splash of heavy cream or almond milk
Combine all ingredients in a blender or mix well in coffee mug.
Energy Enhancing:
Whipped Banana Latte
1 cup coffee (cold or hot- optional)
¼ cup coconut cream
¼ cup heavy cream
1 banana
1 tbsp. honey
Combine all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Optional to enjoy hot or cold.
Fat Burning:
Keto Coffee
Enjoy during a morning fast. These ingredients will enhance fat burning and allow the body to stay in a fasted state. Be sure to stick with water and this coffee recipe or simply enjoy black for the desired benefits of fasting in the morning. Adding in other foods before noon will break the fast.

1 cup coffee
1 tbsp. organic grass-fed unsalted butter
1 tsp. coconut or MCT oil
¼ tsp. vanilla
Dash of cinnamon, optional
Combine all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Optional to enjoy hot or cold.
Muscle Building:
Collagen Coffee
1 cup coffee
½ cup coconut cream
2 tbsp. vanilla collagen protein
1 tbsp. almond butter
1 tsp. coconut or MCT oil
¼ tsp. vanilla
honey, stevia or maple syrup to sweeten (optional)
Combine all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Optional to enjoy hot or cold.
I am thrilled to share my personal news of launching the Nora’s Naturals coffee, grown on a multi generation family farm in the Finca Isabella mountains of Nicaragua. The beans are grown in volcanic soil rich in silica (essential mineral to collagen production and anti-aging), roasted in my local town of Santa Barbara.

Thank you for your incredible support over these years, always offering to lend your advice or make an introduction. Your efforts have made an important impact on me and my business. Thank you. I’d love to share the Nora’s Naturals coffee family discount. Simply visit www.noratobin.com and use the code Nora25 for 25% off. Additionally, the coffee is being utilized for client gifting and virtual meetings. I would be thrilled to share additional detail, as well as offer your clients a Coffee & Conversation with coffee sent ahead of time. Please reach out to me if this may be of interest- nt@noratobin.com.
Interval Workout to Enhance Fat Burning
Yoga Flow to Lower Stress and Elevate Energy
Foundation Training to Negate the Effects of Sitting


As always, I am here to help in any way I can with your wellness needs. Please reach out if you have any questions or would like to see a certain topic covered next month. All of these simple steps add up to create inspiring transformations in life. Keep it up!
